
Find out the importance of social media ads and why you need to start doing them now! The popularity of social media has never been greater than it is now. From Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin to Tiktok more and more companies are betting on these communication channels. Presence in these social networks now goes beyond publications […]

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Find out why you should invest in your business and create a website Who has never heard the saying “Your company only exists if it is on the Internet?”, well, this saying has never been truer than it is now. The world is becoming so digital that we can no longer live without the help […]

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Discover the main benefits of hiring a social media management company Social media management has never been more important than it is now for a company or brand. These digital platforms are now a stage that dominates and influences the buying process of consumers. According to a study by Marktest, more than half of the […]

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What is SEO?

  • 4 min read

Find out what SEO is and what it is for! SEO, Search Engine Optimization, is a set of optimization strategies for websites, web pages, or blogs in order to position them at the top of search engines’ organic results. Search engines are now an indispensable part of our lives. Whether it is Google, Bing, Yahoo! […]

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Why you should hire a marketing agency as soon as possible! In this digital age, in which we are witnessing growing consumer preference for digital content, it is extremely important that companies adapt to this new paradigm. In a short period of time, companies have gone from only needing an informative website with their contacts, […]

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CRM is the acronym for Customer Relationship Management, and consists of a set of practices, strategies, and technologies for better customer management. More and more the work of a commercial must be controlled by himself in order to be able to manage his work, measure each movement and what its influence is on the results. […]

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Nowadays, betting on digital, with special emphasis on social networks, is essential for the growth of your business. But this digital presence must follow well-designed strategic planning. If you think that you can just create a page on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or Twitter, make a few posts talking about your products and services and start […]

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